Are You Ready to Move Up?

02/26/21 ·CompEAP

How do you prepare for taking the next step up the corporate ladder? 

One of the most difficult challenges that a manager faces is being promoted into a more senior role. People are watching you and trying to determine if you are up to the challenge. They are comparing you to past leaders and wondering if you have what it takes to be successful. Do you have the tools to face this new position? Can you broaden your focus and your scope? 

To be successful, you need to be vigilant on many levels: 

– Pay attention to the big picture, especially the culture. 

– Thoroughly understand the and goals and objectives of the business. 

– Observe your manager’s skills and work on acquiring the positive ones. 

– Practice good communication skills. Start listening better and asking follow-up questions.  Don’t take up all the air time. 

– Keep your team engaged and reinforce positive contributions. 

– Run interference for your team when possible. 

– Be disciplined and focused with your time and your team’s time. 

– Model behavior that you would like others to replicate. 

– Be mindful of your work life balance. 

– Seek guidance from trusted advisors outside the organization. 

Some of the behaviors needed for developing a broader focus and scope may be a stretch for you at first. If you are interested in expanding your role, practice one at a time and start today.