Five Work Style Habits That Can Reduce Your Stress

02/26/21 ·CompEAP

Managers and supervisors have plenty of stress from external events. And there are many ways that your own work style may contribute to your stress level. 

Try these tips to gain some control over your stress and your life. 

  1. Don’t Delay.
    Although you may feel that you work better under pressure, you are putting yourself under needless stress.  Immediately when a project is assigned, start a project file and identify project pieces.  You will feel more in control of your job.
  2. Plan Ahead.
    You keep a calendar.  Now, look at it!  There is no reason to let projects, appointments, and tasks take you by surprise.  Discipline yourself to look ahead, every few days, to see what’s coming down the pike. What system can you put in place today to look at your calendar more often?
  3. Juggle Less.
    You may think of yourself as a great multi-tasker but don’t underestimate how much it takes out of you to keep so many balls up in the air. There will always be surprise employee relations issues to deal with.   However, some project work will be better done with focus.  Look over your list and schedule some time away from your office so you can bury yourself in a project.
  4. Be in charge of your electronic world.
     Some managers receive over 100 electronic messages every day, many of them important.  Nevertheless, don’t let email, texts, or IMs rule your day.  You are the boss of your job and in charge of deciding when you will check for messages, and when you want to respond. Turn off that new message alert and enjoy the peace.
  5. Say No!
    You probably went into your profession because you wanted to help people but there are limits to what you can do in one day.  Keep questioning your project list and to-do list and practice saying no and setting limits.  Remember, you won’t be able to help anyone if you give too much of yourself away.

What’s one thing you can do right now to start enjoying a little less stress today? 

I’d love to hear your thoughts. Please leave comments below.