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Information regarding your use of CompEAP services will NOT be released to your employer or anyone else without your consent. This includes all personal identifying information and information about CompEAP services you have accessed via phone, text or online. The only exceptions are those required by law, such as if you are a danger to yourself or others.
While counseling is not the only approach to emotional/mental health support, each year hundreds of thousands of adults experience significant improvement in their wellbeing with the support of skilled counseling. Discussing your situation with a counselor will enable you to choose what’s right for you. Sometime people are experiencing a particularly stressful or upsetting situation and immediate support is important. In other situations, help that is available over a longer period is most beneficial. Whether you choose to try counseling or not, please understand that emotional/mental health is a part of every human being. There is a strong connection between our mental health and all other facets of our lives, including physical health, social and interpersonal wellbeing, our spirituality, and our ability to be productive and ultimately experience joy in our work and personal lives.
CompEAP counselors are licensed, highly skilled professionals with 10-25 years of experience in the counseling field. Beginning with your initial contact, the same counselor works with you to resolve any issues. This process includes an assessment, short-term treatment and/or referral for additional services. The counselor always follows up to ensure your satisfaction.
Once you contact CompEAP our counselor will conduct an assessment and discuss your needs with you. If you both agree counseling would be beneficial, the CompEAP counselor will discuss options including:
We treat each employee as a unique, multi-faceted human being. When aligning counseling support, we take gender, race, ethnicity, language, sexual orientation and all other identities into account. We also ensure holistic support, integrating CompEAP mental health, work-life, wellness and other relevant services.