Bankruptcy Education And Resources

04/09/19 ·CompEAP

Bankruptcy Education and Resources


The Consumer Credit Counseling Service (CCCS) is a nonprofit that helps people with credit card debt by offering a debt payment program for those who qualify. They are available for debt counseling in person as well as over the internet and on the phone. If they determine that paying off the debt is not possible within a reasonable amount of time, they might also provide information about bankruptcy. Because they are a nonprofit and are subject to regulations, they can be an objective source of information.

To locate nationally recognized offices in your area, go to The National Foundation for Credit Counseling at

Required Pre- and Post-Filing Education Courses

Individuals who plan to file for bankruptcy are required to complete a pre-filing counseling session given by a credit counseling agency approved by the U.S. Department of Justice. Additionally potential filers are required to take part in an approved personal financial education course before debts can be discharged. You can inquire about both of these when you call the CCCS in your area, or by clicking on the link to this CCCS provider which offers the online versions of both:

Bankruptcy Resources 

The following can be used in conjunction with legal advice:

  • has a quick and easy rundown on the types of bankruptcy, who qualifies, and some considerations:
  • The Bankruptcy Site has information on bankruptcy basics and filing:
  • The National Foundation of CCC ( has several publications on personal finances including More than One Way Out: Personal Bankruptcy, Consequences and Alternatives, which explores alternatives to bankruptcy and provides an overview of the differences between a Chapter 7 and a Chapter 13 bankruptcy filing. It is intended for use in conjunction with pre-filing counseling as provided by the new bankruptcy law. Price $15.95.


Be sure you are working with a reputable lawyer and that you understand all of the consequences of filing for the type of bankruptcy you qualify for. Call the EAP if you are need a legal referral.