Getting to Know Your EAP

02/26/21 ·CompEAP

The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is an important resource offered as a benefit by your company. Employees have help available to them on a free and confidential basis when problems arise. As a supervisor or manager, you may wish to refer one of your employees to the EAP as part of your usual disciplinary procedures. 

If you are a manager or supervisor and have an EAP in place, start here: 

  • Learn about the program by calling and introducing yourself as a manager or supervisor.
  • Review the process of making a referral with the EAP staff.
  • Understand how an employee takes advantage of the program.
  • Present it positively. More people will use the program if management supports it.
  • Give your opinion of the EAP when asked.

The EAP is an important management tool, but if you aren’t comfortable using your EAP, talk to Human Resources about your concerns. 

Are you familiar with your EAP?