Keeping Your Team Focused After Tragedy

02/26/21 ·CompEAP

The tragedy of what happened in Newtown last week has shocked and devastated many Americans.  People across the country spent the weekend absorbing the horror of what happened, holding their loved ones tightly, and reflecting on what it all means.  Now, we are all back at work, trying hard to put the events out of our minds and concentrate on the job in front of us.  As a manager, how can you help your work group during such turbulent times? 

First, focus on your own resiliency and how the recent events have impacted you.  Resiliency is the ability to bounce back after a crisis and keep a positive attitude.  In the past, how have you been able to recapture positive energy after it was zapped by a negative event?  What works for you when are you struggling? 

Second, once you have a handle on your own coping mechanisms, think about your work group and how people in the group generally handle stress.  Who are the employees who will be most touched by Newtown?  Who has too much on their plates already? 

Third, take time over the next few days to be more visible than usual.  Observe and take time to listen.  Reach out to each person and see how they are doing.  This can be a good practice anytime, but particularly during the holidays and especially in the wake of this tragedy. 

As a manager, it’s important not to overlook anyone who is struggling or behaving oddly.  You can make a difference, maybe even save a life, by paying attention and extending a helping hand.  The EAP is standing by to help anyone who is affected by the recent events, including you. 

How are you doing today?