It's That Time of Year Again- Resolutions!

02/26/21 ·CompEAP

It’s that time of year again- time for resolutions.  We often vow to improve our health…lose weight, exercise more, or deal with stress better.  With so much time spent in the office, how will these resolutions be supported while at work? 

Individuals in your work group may be struggling to keep healthy New Year’s resolutions.  What could you do to support them and improve the overall culture of health in your work group? 

1. Discuss wellness with your team and allow some brainstorming about what might be needed.  Don’t forget stress management and mental wellness in the discussion.
 2. Bring information to that meeting about your HR team’s wellness initiatives.  What are the barriers to participating in them?
 3. Do a food audit to determine what snacks are available in your work area.  Would there be interest in healthy snacks for the group?  Is there a plentiful supply of good water in the area?
 4. Discuss the food that is served at meetings to see if a healthier option would be available.
 5. Consider a sugar-free work zone.
 6. Facilitate a discussion about personal exercise routines.  What is working for people?  Are there co-workers who might walk together at lunchtime?
 7. Plan a stress management activity with your EAP in order to connect employees to that resource.
 8. Be a role model for health.  Demonstrate healthy habits and your actions will speak louder than words. 

As a manager, it’s not your job to manage the health of your employees.  But there’s a lot to gain when you show an interest in wellness. 

What are your resolutions?