Six Tips for a Stress-free Performance Discussion

02/26/21 ·CompEAP

Giving performance feedback is difficult for most managers.  Remember these 6 “Do’s” to help you get through the performance review season. 

1. Do plan and carve out enough time to complete the review process and create a quality document. 

2. Do look back over the entire year’s worth of contributions and keep the most recent performance level (good or bad) in perspective as you create the review. 

3. Do look at last years stated goals and development plan and capture the results in the review. 

4. Do be clear in how you communicate. If the person is great…tell them and tell them why. You’ll have more consistent performance and avoid having the employee “guess” if they are doing a good job. The flip side is true as well. Be clear if performance is not up to par. Tell them why and what they have to do to improve and offer your help in getting them to a higher level of performance. 

5. Do give your employee time to read the review in advance of your face-to-face or voice to voice meeting. The employee needs time to digest what you are saying as well as formulate questions for clarity. 

6. Do follow-up with the employee after your conversation to ensure they are focused, know what they need to do and know they have your support. 

Start out the new year with a resolution to give constant feedback.  Adhering to the “No Surprises” rule of performance reviews will take most of the stress out of the real thing.