5 Suggestions for Performance Reviews

02/26/21 ·CompEAP

Performance reviews are often dreaded by managers and therefore are avoided. “I just haven’t had time”, “He knows how he’s doing”, or “I’ll get to it next quarter” are common excuses.  When feedback is given regularly, performance reviews are no problem at all.  Everyone knows where the employee stands, and expectations are clear. 

Here are 5 suggestions for more effective performance reviews. 


Keep lots of notes throughout the year of both positive and negative results.  There’s nothing harder than trying to re-construct a year’s worth of results in order to have a productive conversation. 

Schedule Diligently. 

Performance reviews are incredibly important to employees.  Stick to a scheduled appointment and give it a priority.  Meet in a private place and don’t allow interruptions during the review. 

Listen Carefully. 

Use your best listening skills and empathy to create an open environment and watch for “coachable moments.”   Get valuable feedback for yourself during a review. 

Be specific 

Whether giving positive or negative feedback, have meaningful examples at hand.  This will show that you’ve been paying attention and are prepared for the meeting. 

Identify Development Activities 

Identifying development activities such as coaching, cross training, education, or special project opportunities may be the best online pharmacy reviews.  Special projects, in particular, help both the employee and the manager. 

Reviews are very important to employees.  Make a vow that this year you will plan better for performance reviews.   A “no surprise” review is the best kind.