Giving Positive and Negative Feedback

02/26/21 ·CompEAP

Performance review time shouldn’t be the only time in the year that you are giving feedback to your employees.  In fact, if you are giving it on a regular basis, it will make review time easier, as well as help to bring out the best in each employee.   It is important to give both positive and constructive feedback to your team. 

Positive feedback?  Try to get in the habit every couple of weeks to find one positive comment to make to each person in your group.  Doing this will also help you to stay more focused on what people are working on, and what behaviors you would like to encourage.  It’s okay if they are small things. 

“I noticed in the meeting that you were well prepared to address everyone’s concerns.” 

“Thank you for sending me the project update yesterday.  I used it today when I met with my boss.” 

Constructive feedback?  This type of feedback works best when you can give it within 24 hours.  Delivering it quickly will also reduce your stress level and provide a direct link to the behavior that was troubling.  Commenting on small issues will work well if you are regularly practicing positive feedback as well. 

“When people raised their concerns in the meeting, you didn’t seem well prepared to deal with them.  If I can help with anticipating questions, let’s make sure we talk about it during our 1:1.” 

“I have lost track of your project because you aren’t keeping up with regular updates.  Please make sure I have those every Monday.” 

When giving negative feedback, try to say something positive as well.  If you are having a tough time finding anything positive to say, it may be time for corrective action. 

If you have difficulty delivering either positive or negative feedback, you might benefit from a 1:1 conversation with a coach or an EAP Consultant. 

Do you have any feedback today?