Lessons from the Zoo: Do You Have 20 Seconds of Courage?

02/26/21 ·CompEAP

“It only takes 20 seconds of courage” was one of the themes from a movie I saw recently called “We Bought a Zoo.”  It came up because several of the characters in the movie were afraid to take the risk of speaking up when an opportunity presented itself.  Each person held back longer than they should have; yet once they spoke up, the situations improved.  I thought it was a really good reminder for managers. 

Managers often call the EAP for consultation because they are troubled by an employee’s behavior.  They know deep down that they need to say something about problematic behavior, but feel uncomfortable doing so.  They may end up enabling a bad behavior, simply because they lack the courage to confront it.  Without feedback, problematic behavior may fester for a long time. 

Here are some thoughts from the EAP: 

–       Notice if you are “biting your tongue,” or holding back something you would like to say. 

–       Once you notice it, practice your “20-second” speech before you actually say it. 

–       Once you say what’s on your mind, a productive conversation or a new opportunity usually follows.  Everything is easier than the first sentence. 

Is there an opportunity in your work group, or in your life, that requires 20 seconds of courage?