More Email Management Tips

02/26/21 ·CompEAP

Email has become an indispensable tool in the workplace.  It is hard to remember how we got by without it.  However, sometimes it seems like  it makes more work for us all.  How do we best manage the email madness? 

Email is best used for documenting or delivering information.  It is most effective when each email deals with one subject at a time.  If you address multiple subjects in the same email, at least three things can go wrong: 

  • If the reader is in a rush, he or she may only read the beginning and miss the end the end of the email completely.
  • If there are other people copied on the email, a “reply-all” email chain may begin and items may be lost in the shuffle.  Or, readers can be lost in a sea of needless reply emails.
  • When the email is filed, it may be filed under one subject alone.  This will make it difficult to retrieve when you look to refer to the email later.

Try addressing one issue per email today.  You may have to write a few more emails, but you’ll be surprised how much it will help you stay focused and organized.