Moving Timeline

04/09/19 ·CompEAP

Countdown to Moving Day

Weeks 12 Through 9

  • Explore moving options: Get estimates from professional moving companies vs. hiring a rental truck and enlisting volunteers. Consider your timeline, circumstances, and budget.
  • Find out if your employer offers relocation assistance and get the specific policy outlining coverage. 
  • Set a move date. Aim for a weekday (less traffic) if you are moving to or from an urban area. 
  • Select your moving company or truck rental company and reserve the dates. 
  • If you rent: Notify your landlord that you are leaving and verify your obligations to receive your deposit.
  • If you own: Decide whether you will be selling or renting out your home and contact relevant brokers. 
  • Begin researching your new area and schedule a trip if you can. 

Weeks 9 Through 8

  • Request change of address kit from your local post office or
  • Create a list of individuals and businesses, including the post office, banks, neighbors, previous employer, and notify them of the new address and effective date. 
  • Notify MDs and school district if you need to have records transferred or a copy made for your pick-up. 
  • Take inventory of all items that need to be insured for the move, including their estimated replacement value. Inquire about insurance coverage if using professional movers or contact insurance company for self-moving coverage. Consider getting appraisals on higher priced items and arranging for possible alternative shipping. Check out your rights and responsibilities on  
  • Purchase renter’s or homeowner’s insurance. 
  • Begin collecting receipts for tax purposes or for any employer reimbursement programs. 

Weeks 8 Through 6

  • Choose your new home and establish a move in/closing date. 
  • Use a measuring tape to confirm the sizes of your furniture. Will it fit through all of the doors into the home and up the stairs? Know the dimensions of the larger items and confirm those dimensions on your visit. 
  • Begin planning layout of furniture in new space so you have an idea before the truck pulls up to the curb.
  • Review the terms of the lease or closing docs so you can anticipate any additional expenses (legal fees, deposits, conditions, etc). 
  • Mail: If using temporary housing, set up a PO box.
  • Utilities: Begin contacting local utility companies to find out what is required to start service (deposit? proof of residence?). Schedule the start date a few days prior to arrival. Schedule current utilities to be shut off after move date from current home (only if utilities are in YOUR name, not landlord’s). 
  • Insurance: Discuss coverage on your property or rental and to what extent the contents of the home and any vehicles are covered. Ask about state and town laws regarding insurance minimums and regulations (carbon monoxide and smoke detectors).
  • Finances: Research banking institutions and open an account and possibly a safe deposit box. 
  • New Job: Contact employer for information on where you need to be on your first day and anything you need to bring with you (license, SS card, etc).   
  • Schools: Research school calendar, directions for first day, and enrollment/immunization requirements. 
  • Banking: Consider signing up for online banking now to ensure a smooth financial transition. 

Weeks 6 – Confirmations

  • Confirm pickup and drop off date with mover or rental company. 
  • Make arrangements for car to be moved or sold. 
  • Confirm storage arrangements (current and future home locations). 
  • Confirm departure date with landlord or real estate agent. If date changes, update everyone on your lists, including post office. 
  • Confirm any personal travel arrangements for self, family, and pets. 
  • Map your route if you are driving. 
  • Confirm AAA membership (or consider joining). 
  • Confirm parking arrangements for moving truck and personal vehicles to ensure you have all town permits in place. 

Weeks 5 Through 4

  • Pick up boxes with lids for move. Use Craig’s list or go to liquor store/appliance stores for cheaper options. Do not pack your items inboxes that previously carried food. Consider smaller boxes with handles for heavier items if you plan on moving yourself. If using professional movers, make sure you get clear guidelines on how you need to pack so you don’t get charged extra for them to redo it on the day of the move. 
  • Sort through items to be donated or sold and arrange for yard sale or pick up by charitable organization. 
  • Collect all personal records (medical, legal, vet, accountant, schools, investments, employment) and organize in a file folder that you keep with you during the move or arrange for safe location for transportation. 

Week 3

  • More confirmations. 
  • If you have dependents or pets, refer to child or pet specific checklist. 
  • Confirm moving dates with volunteers: including any expectations you have about when they will arrive and how long they will help. Consider a few backups in the event that some of your volunteers have to cancel. 
  • Arrange for certified check for movers or traveler’s checks or checkbook and cash to be handy for the day (tips, gifts to volunteer movers, miscellaneous expenses etc.). 
  • Have car serviced and ready to go. 

Week 2

  • If moving into a building with an elevator or one with a service entrance, which usually has wider doors, arrange for them to be reserved for the moving day. Have the cell number of the superintendent/landlord handy for any questions or problems. 
  • Double check the parking and that you have necessary permits. Are there any street cleaning bans one day a week on that block? 
  • Drain oil, gas, or kerosene from power equipment. 

Moving Week

  • Donate unused food and any houseplants. 
  • Defrost freezer. 
  • Pack your personal luggage. (See list of items to keep with you during the move.) 
  • Pack the rest in sturdy, clearly marked boxes with strong packing tape on top and bottom. 

Moving – Prior to Departing

  • Charge your cell phone. Make sure you have a list of all numbers in your Moving folder.  
  • Leave keys per arrangement with realtor/landlord. 
  • Do a walk through checking cupboards, closets, and basement/outdoor area. Turn off and unplug anything that remains. Have landlord on hand if he is requiring a walk through to get security deposit back. 
  • Pack vacuum cleaner and cleaning supplies last so they are easily accessible in the event you need to clean before unloading carpets and furniture into the house. 

Moving – Arriving
  • Call any parties who should be onsite to help you move in to give them a head’s up on your arrival time. 
  • Mark off parking space for moving van .Have someone do this for you beforehand if possible. 
  • Inspect the walls, appliances, and property for any problems that need to be taken care of immediately or that landlord needs to be notified of. 
  • Check that utilities are on. 
  • Begin unpacking.