There is no journey in life like parenting. For many of us it is simultaneously the most challenging and most rewarding experience we will have.

Everyone’s path to “baby readiness” will be unique, based on who we are and our situations. Whatever your situation; first-time parent, adopting, single parent or an expert, preparation will make starting the journey easier.  

Where would you like to begin?

  • Psychological Preparedness – Becoming mentally and emotionally prepared will ensure your highest resilience and happiness as a parent.    
  • Financial Preparedness – Children are expensive. Develop a financial plan that reflects the costs of a growing family.
  • Lifestyle Preparedness – Children will impact every aspect of your life.  Anticipate the needs and assess changes you will likely need to make.
  • Childcare Preparedness – There are many different childcare solutions at all stages of parenting.  Which will be right for you?
  • Prenatal Preparedness – Taking care of you is taking care of your child. What support would be helpful?  
  • Breast Feeding – Mothers make different choices for different reasons. How might your situation affect your choices?