4 Ways that Managers Can Help Employees Cope with Terrorism

02/26/21 ·CompEAP

A terrorist attack can affect a community in ways that undermine our sense of safety and security at home and at work. The impact of an attack can be significant and far reaching for your employees, but managers can help employees cope and manage feelings of anxiety and uncertainty. 

If you have employees traveling internationally, they or their families may be fearful after an event like the one in Paris. Furthermore, employees in the USA may have friends or family affected by these events as well. 

A manager’s response can set the tone for the future, supporting the workplace culture in a positive way as well as helping employees tap into their resiliency skills. 

What practical steps can a manager take?  Here are four actions to consider. 

1. Step up and take action. Connect with your leadership to form a coordinated response. Consider both the business impact and the human response. 

2. Focus on the well-being of employees. Think about people in your group that may be directly impacted by the event, such as people who are already struggling with difficult personal situations or individuals with direct ties to France. 

3. Be visible and available with accurate and frequent communication. Keep checking in with people at risk to see how they are doing.  Most people bounce back after a crisis but some may need more support than others. 

4. Remind people about the EAP and make the phone number and email address easily accessible.  Call for assistance yourself if you need consultation.