Stress Free Moving

04/28/21 ·Joe Harrison

Smart Move: Take the Stress Out of Moving

Advice from the American Moving and Storage Association

Research tells us that moving is one of the most stressful events in a person’s life, ranked as high as the death of a loved one or divorce. But with the right kind of planning and care, you can make your move a lot less stressful.

The moving tips outlined in this article are designed primarily to cover interstate moves (a move between two or more states), but many of the tips apply equally to local and intrastate (within the same state) moves and international shipments.

Plan Your Move Date

The first step is to plan ahead. Waiting until the last minute – especially during the busy summer season – limits your options and can result in disappointment when it comes to securing the services of the mover you want at the date of your choosing. We recommend that you begin making arrangements for your move at least four to six weeks before the moving date.

Most people want to move during the summer, when the kids are out of school. This means that from May to September movers are extremely busy. If you can arrange for your move at any other time of year, you have a much better chance of securing a high quality move from the company of your choice. Also, most movers offer lower prices between the months of October and April.

Similarly, most people want to move at the very beginning or the very end of the month, because most rent and mortgage payments are due on the first of each month. However, if you can arrange for your move in the middle of the month, you not only increase the likelihood of getting a top-notch crew and the mover you want, but the exact pickup and delivery dates you require.

Find a Professional Mover

The American Moving and Storage Association (AMSA) does not recommend moving companies nor does it recommend one moving company over another. However, when selecting a mover – especially an interstate mover – we encourage consumers to choose a moving company that is a member of AMSA. The members of the AMSA are required to abide by the terms of our published pricing tariffs, follow federal government consumer protection regulations, and participate in the Arbitration Program sponsored by our organization.

We also recommend that you choose from among the many AMSA members that also participate in the AMSA Certified Mover and Van Line Program. AMSA Certified Movers and Van Lines are companies that have voluntarily agreed to abide by a Code of Conduct that requires complete disclosure of moving information to consumers, written estimates of charges, timely service and prompt response to claims and complaints.

They also have agreed to arbitrate disputes of up to $10,000 arising from loss or damage to the articles in your shipment. Not all movers participate in this program. Before you make your choice of movers, be sure to find out if they are AMSA members and if they participate in the AMSA Certified Mover and Van Line Program. Certified movers are listed at

If your shipment is to be moved within one state (intrastate), you may want to consider contacting the state moving association for a reference for their member movers.

Be Careful when Using Internet Mover Referrals

You may have seen recent news stories about the proliferation of scam movers who have been abusing customers across the U.S. Typically, they come in with an estimate that is much lower than legitimate movers. However, once these scam movers take possession of your household goods, they significantly increase the price and refuse to unload your possessions until you pay the higher price, usually in cash.

Here are some ways to protect you from these rogue movers:

  • Never rely on a price estimate over the phone or Internet. A legitimate mover sends a trained and experienced estimator to your home. Always insist on an “in-home” survey of your household goods in order to receive a more accurate price estimate.
  • If the price seems too good to be true, it probably is. Most honest professional movers are competitive, and their prices differ but are within a reasonable range. If a mover comes in with an estimate way below all the others, that should be a red flag to examine the basis of the estimate before accepting it.
  • Legitimate movers generally don’t require a significant deposit before moving you, and if they do it is a small good faith deposit. However, scam movers frequently require large deposits even for the simplest and least expensive moves.
  • The majority of legitimate interstate moving estimates are based on the weight of your shipment while some scam movers attempt to bill you on square footage your goods take up in the truck.
  • Many Internet moving sites are hosted by household goods brokers whose names sound like real movers, which they are not. These brokers turn over your shipment to a mover, many of whom are rogue movers instead of professionals. Be sure to ask if your shipment is being brokered and insist that the identity of the licensed mover be provided prior to doing business with a web-based broker.
  • The principle governing industry tariff specifies that interstate household goods rates (prices) should be based on the weight of your shipment (and that weight should be determined on a scale that has been certified by an official state agency). If the mover you are considering tells you that he is going to base your charges on the number of cubic feet in your shipment (which means there is no way for you to verify the amount you are charged), you may want to consider using another mover.
Keep in mind that the pricing of local, intrastate and international shipments can differ from interstate shipments. Also, intrastate shipments are governed by state - not federal - regulations. Local and relatively short distance intrastate moves are usually priced by the hourly cost of labor needed to accomplish the move. International shipments are priced on a rate per hundredweight times the total size of the shipment for all services, which includes ocean transportation.

Understand the Basics

If you are moving from one state to another, you should read and understand all of the information you receive from your mover. In addition to brochures explaining their various services, interstate moving companies are required by law to give you a copy of a consumer booklet titled Your Rights and Responsibilities When You Move and information regarding the mover’s required participation in a Dispute Settlement (Arbitration) Program.

Be sure you understand:

  • The rates and charges that apply
  • The mover’s liability for your belongings
  • Estimating requirements
  • How pickup and delivery works
  • What claims protection you have
Get a Good Estimate

Ask movers to provide you with a written estimate and have them explain the services listed in the estimate in detail. Carefully compare each estimate to see which company best suits your needs.

It is best not to seek a moving estimate via telephone or the Internet, unless your circumstances are such that time constraints dictate this method. A very general estimate of costs can be obtained by phone or the Internet, but more exact and dependable estimates are best accomplished by an in-house survey. Reputable moving companies send an experienced, trained professional to your home and provide you with an estimate in writing.

The cost of an interstate move is usually based on the weight of your belongings and on the distance they are shipped, plus the amount of packing and other services that you require.

Help the movers calculate the cost of your move by showing them every single item to be moved. Don’t forget to go into the attic, basement, garage, closets and under beds. Reach a clear understanding about the amount of packing and other services needed. Anything omitted from the estimate but later included in the shipment adds to the final cost of the move.

Most movers offer two types of estimates: binding and non-binding. Binding estimates are written agreements that guarantee the cost of the move based on the items to be moved and the services listed on the mover’s estimate sheet. It’s important to make certain the binding estimate inventory contains all of the items to be moved, along with any additional services to be provided by the mover. Anything that is added later results in legitimate increased charges and may delay the move.

Non-binding estimates, on the other hand, are not guaranteed. Instead, a non-binding estimate is an approximation of the cost based on the mover’s survey of the items to be moved, with the final cost determined after the shipment is weighed on a certified scale. A non-binding estimate does not bind the mover. When you receive a non-binding estimate, you have no guarantee that the final cost will not be more than the estimate.

Another type of estimate used by many movers is the Not-To-Exceed Estimate. These types of estimates are called various things by various movers, such as Guaranteed Price or Price Protection, but the end result is the same – an estimate based on a binding estimate or on actual cost (at discount, if applicable), whichever is lower. Like a binding estimate, a not-to-exceed estimate must be provided to you in writing and is binding on the carrier.

Not-to-Exceed estimates differ, though, in that the binding estimate amount becomes the maximum amount that you are obligated to pay for the services outlined on the estimate. This maximum amount alternates with the charges applicable based on the actual weight of the shipment, with the customer paying the lesser of the two amounts.

When you accept a not-to-exceed estimate, the move is performed at actual weight based on the discounted tariff rate levels, with the binding estimate representing the maximum charge that a customer pays.

Not-to-Exceed estimates are viewed as an extension of binding estimates and, as such, are payable at delivery and are not subject to the 110% payment rule.

Further, under federal regulations governing interstate shipments, if you are given a non-binding estimate, your mover cannot require you to pay more than the amount of the estimate plus ten (10%) percent. You then have at least 30 days after delivery to pay any remaining charges that were not shown on the estimate.

For example, if you received a non-binding estimate of $5,000 for your move, the mover cannot require you pay more than $5,500 to have your shipment delivered. The mover is required to invoice you for any remaining charges.

If you want absolute price certainty and you can define what articles you are going to move, then a binding estimate may be a desired option. However, binding estimates may be more costly since the mover must build into the price added revenue for protection from variances in the estimate. Most movers provide non-binding estimates, because the charges are based on the actual certified weight of all the household goods in the shipment. This protects both the customer and the mover.

One important caution regarding estimating is to be wary of low ball initial estimates that later are doubled or tripled. These tactics are used by rogue movers posing as professional movers. If you receive an attractive low price for your move and it seems too good to be true, it probably is! Don’t necessarily choose a mover based on price alone, especially a price significantly lower than other estimates you may have received. Many complaints from customers involve receiving a low-ball estimate and later a demand for significantly more charges while the shipment is held hostage by the rogue mover.

Adequately Insure Your Goods

There are several options for insuring your goods. All interstate household goods shipments move under limited liability, which is required by law. However, you may purchase additional liability coverage from your mover, which is something that we recommend in most cases.

The contract that you sign with your mover provides two options for placing a value on your shipment. The value that you select sets the limit of your mover’s maximum liability for loss or damage to your goods. These optional levels of liability are not insurance agreements that are governed by state insurance laws, but instead are authorized under the Surface Transportation Board of the U.S. Department of Transportation.

Before you sign the contract (bill of lading) with your mover, you must decide how much your articles are worth and declare a value for your shipment.

Option 1 - Full (Replacement) Value Protection is the most comprehensive plan available for protection of your goods. When you select this option, articles that are lost, damaged or destroyed are, at the mover’s option, either repaired, replaced with articles of like kind and quality, or a cash settlement is made for the repairs or for replacement of the articles at their current market value, regardless of the age of the lost or damaged articles.

Under this option, you have two choices for establishing your mover’s maximum liability on your shipment:

  • You can declare a value based on the weight of your shipment times an amount of not less than $4.00 per pound (some movers have higher minimum values, e.g., $5.00 per pound), or
  • You can declare a higher lump sum amount (for example, $30,000).
An additional charge applies when you select this option, based on the value you place on your shipment and on the deductible level of coverage you select, but this higher level of valuation is more likely to cover the value of the articles in your shipment. Ask your mover for the details of his plan.

Option 2 - Released Value of 60 Cents Per Pound Per Article is the most economical option available. This level of protection is provided at no additional cost; however, it only provides minimal protection. Under this option, the mover assumes liability for no more than 60 cents per pound per article for loss or damage.

This means that claims are settled based on the weight of the individual article(s) multiplied by 60 cents. For example, if a 10-pound stereo component valued at $1000 were lost or destroyed, your mover would be liable for no more than $6.00 (10 pounds multiplied by 60 cents).

Obviously, you should think carefully before agreeing to such an arrangement. This value option is considerably less than the typical value of household goods. There is no additional cost for this minimal protection and you must make a specific statement on the bill of lading agreeing to it.

Under Option 1, your mover is also permitted to limit its liability for loss or damage to articles that have an extraordinary value, unless you specifically list these articles on the Inventory of Items Valued in Excess of $100 Per Pound Per Article form. An article of extraordinary value is any item whose value exceeds $100 per pound. Ask your mover for a complete explanation of this limitation of liability before you move. It is your responsibility to study these provisions carefully and to make the necessary declaration. Note that not all movers use these special provisions for articles of extraordinary value.

Ask About Payment Options

When you are discussing your estimate with your professional mover, be sure to ask about the arrangements for paying for the move. It is customary for movers to require that charges be paid in cash, by certified check, or by money order. Most movers do not accept personal checks. Some movers accept payment by credit card. However, do not assume that because you have a nationally recognized charge or credit card that it is accepted for payment. Ask your mover.

The regulations of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration provide that when the mover arrives at your new home (or in some cases if your shipment is placed into a warehouse), you must pay the estimated charges before your shipment is unloaded from the truck. Also, professional movers generally don’t require the customer to pay a big deposit before your move. So, if a mover you are considering using requires you pay a large deposit (several hundred dollars) before your move to hold your dates or to insure prompt service, you may want to consider using another mover.

If You Are Packing Yourself, It Is Never too Soon to Start

While packing yourself can save money, movers do not usually accept liability for damage to items packed by owners. If you want to save money you might consider packing non-breakable items only, like clothes and bedding.

Proper packing by a trained packer using specially designed cartons and materials is crucial to a good move. Schedule packing with the mover a day or two before the moving van is loaded.

Be Present When Your Goods Are Packed

When a mover packs for you, an inventory of your goods is made and it is important to resolve any disagreements prior to signing the inventory. Make sure all copies are legible and all items are numbered. Have valuable items listed separately. Some appliances may require servicing prior to the move. Your mover can schedule these services for you.

Your mover may ask you to select several consecutive days during which your goods can be loaded and a second series of dates during which your goods can be delivered to your new home. A spread of days gives you and your mover the flexibility needed to keep your move on schedule.

Moving Day Musts

When moving day arrives:

  • Be on hand when the movers arrive.
  • Discuss the delivery arrangements fully with your mover.
  • Have beds stripped and ready to be packed.
  • Save your energy and let the moving crew disassemble goods.
  • Read the Bill of Lading (the contract) before you sign it.
  • Tell your mover how to reach you at your destination.
  • Keep in contact with the mover at your destination while you are in transit.
Generally, your belongings are transported in a van along with those of other families in the same general direction. This helps to keep your costs down. Delivery is made on any of the several consecutive days agreed upon before the move began.

Make sure the mover knows how to contact you to schedule actual delivery. If you cannot be reached at the destination, the mover may place your shipment in storage to avoid delaying other shipments. This can mean additional charges for storage and handling.

Upon delivery, check your goods for damage. Do not sign the inventory until you have inspected your furniture and the exterior of the cartons.

Report Loss and Damage Promptly

If any of your household goods are damaged or lost, report the facts promptly and in detail on the van driver’s copy (original) of the inventory sheet before you sign it. If you notice damage after unpacking, a claim must be filed within nine months after delivery. However, it is to your advantage to report damage as soon as possible.

The mover must acknowledge receipt of your claim within 30 days and must deny or make an offer within 120 days of receipt of your claim. When making a claim or considering a settlement offer, keep in mind the amount of liability that you declared on your shipment.

For example, if the value declared on your shipment was $50,000, the mover’s maximum liability for loss or damage to the articles in your shipment would be $50,000.

  • For additional information on arbitration services available or how to register a complaint against a member of AMSA, visit
  • To file a complaint against a mover that is not a member of this Association, you may also wish to contact the U.S. Department of Transportation at: Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, Office of Consumer Affairs, 400 7th Street SW, Washington, DC 20590, 1-888-368-7238, or on the web at (use the Commercial Complaint Form on the website).
Relocation can be stressful; however, the actual moving component of the relocation process can be a lot less stressful if the move is planned in advance and an experienced AMSA professional mover is selected to transport your household goods to your new destination.


Source: Harrison, Joe, President, American Moving and Storage Association (AMSA). (n.d.). Smart move – A Practical Guide to Interstate Moving. Retrieved July 2011.