8 Mindful Ways to Slow Down Time

11/28/22 ·CompEAP

Some days it feels as if there is not enough time to accomplish all that is needed — days spent scrambling around accomplishing tasks amidst a slightly frantic pace, not fully present, completing one task while mentally preparing for the next of the endless to-do’s.

Yes, there is a bit of an adrenaline rush that comes from crossing things off the list. There are, however, simple ways to tweak this frenetic, multitasking pace, actually rendering us more productive while simultaneously seemingly slowing down time.

Obviously we cannot change actual time, but our perception of time passing can be considerably influenced by the following practices:

  1. Single-task instead of multi-task. As a recovering multi-tasker, I am here to tell you that it works. Research shows that we are more efficient when we attend to one thing at a time. Test it out. You may be surprised.
  2. Be present. As best you can, bring your full awareness to each chore, noticing your sense of touch, smell, sound. When your mind wanders back to the to-do list, gently redirect your attention back to the task at hand.
  3. Meditate. First thing in the morning, if possible. If only for five minutes, this stillness and quiet sets the tone, pace and perspective for the day.
  4. Breathe fully. Periodically throughout the day, pause and take a few full, deep, deliberate breaths. Notice the energy this creates.
  5. Get enough sleep. This is not always completely under our control, but set up the conditions as best you can to get at least seven hours a night. When we are tired and sluggish, we are not nearly as present and productive.
  6. Recognize and reduce “time suckers.” Facebook, Twitter, TV, and email. Be deliberate in the amount of time you spend with your electronics. Set a timer if needed.
  7. Delegate. Chores are good for kids. Let go of the need to have it done just as you would do it. Good enough is great sometimes.
8.Savor the moment. When you recognize a pleasant moment, soak it in. Let it be. Try not to take the small moments for granted, for they are the ones we look back on with the most fondness.